Our Commitment to Compliance:
Organizational Model 231

We are committed to ensuring maximum transparency, integrity, and legal compliance in our activities. In line with this commitment, we adopt an Organizational Model in accordance with Italian Law 231/2001.


What is meant
by Model 231?

Model 231

The Organizational Model 231 is a set of procedures, rules, and internal controls aimed at preventing the risk of committing specific crimes within the company’s activities.

The legislation 231/2001 represents an important tool for ethical and legal management, promoting a culture of compliance and responsibility.

The Organizational Model 231 emphasizes our commitment to conducting all activities with ethics and integrity. This includes an absolute prohibition of unlawful conduct, corruption, and other ethical violations.

Every member of our team is involved in periodic training programs to ensure a full understanding of regulations, promoting a culture of awareness and responsibility.

Model 231 includes robust control and monitoring mechanisms to promptly identify any non-compliant behaviors and take immediate corrective measures.

We are committed to cooperating with the relevant authorities to ensure maximum transparency and collaboration in the event of investigations or inspections.

La nostra
Garanzia per voi

La nostra adozione del Modello Organizzativo 231 non solo riflette il nostro impegno per la legalità, ma anche la nostra dedizione a fornire servizi di alta qualità in un contesto etico e trasparente.

Siamo orgogliosi di operare in conformità con le migliori pratiche, garantendo ai nostri clienti e partner la massima fiducia nella nostra integrità aziendale.